miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Canción del Ruiseñor- A Nightingale’s Song,by Frank Blackman San Pedro´s prisoner

Frank Blackman voluntario Canadiense de Batallón MacPaps,nacido en Edmonton el 05-03-13 y residente en Valemount, Canada. Tras parar varias incursiones fascistas cerca de Gandesa fue detenido,ya que era un gran francotirador por su experiencia en la caza en las montañas Cariboo. Solo cuando se agotó la munición y el descubrió que todos se habían retirado y que las tropas Italianas estaban en todos lados. El fue capturado,era el 1 de Abril de 1938. Llego a San Pedro el 8 de Abril junto con la expedición de 290 Internacionales desde Zaragoza. Más tarde a la prisión de Ondarreta en Marzo de 1939 y fue canjeado en el grupo de 31 Canadienses el 5 de Abril de 1939 a Francia.
Escribió en Marzo de 1989 este poema titulado La canción del Ruiseñor,inspirada en San Pedro.

Frank Blackman Canadian volunteer of MacPaps Battalion,he was born in Edmonton on 05-03-13 and resident in Valemount,Canada. After stopping several fascist incursions near Gandesa he was prisoner,he was a great sniper by its experience in the hunting in the Cariboo mountains. It was only when he ran out of ammunition that he discovered everyone had withdraw and that Italian troops were on all sides. He was captured on 1 April 1938. He arrived to San Pedro on 8 April together with the expedition of 290 Internationals from Zaragoza. Later to Ondarreta´s prison in March 1939 and he was exchanged in the group of 31 Canadian prisoners on 5 April 1939 to France.

This poem was written March 1989 about the concentration camp at San Pedro de Cardeña.

A Nightingale’s Song by Frank (Slim) Blackman, Mac-Pap Veteran.

A nightingale’s song one Spanish night,

Awakened a prisoner of war,

Who is the singer,

and what his intent,

I pressed my head to the bars,

Could he be singing to a nearby mate

Or expressing his love to the stars?

Fifty years have come and gone,

The author cannot forget that song,

That even an event so remote,

Captured by beauty,

unable to stir,

While I savoured every note.

Forgotten the prison’s cheerless halls,

Unheard the guard’s alert calls,

Fancy had carried me far away,

Given but briefly,

the chance to roam

I had but one choice,

of loved ones and home.

But all too soon,

the song did end,

In my heart,

I thanked my unseen friend,

For sharing his love of a moonlit night,

While others are sleeping, awaiting the light.

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